Monday 1 April 2013

Chemical #63 - Second Wave!



Day 29

The chemical's effects are extraordinary. The changes are applied seconds after administration, often with the host male being completely unaware of their new...anatomy. The majority of male individuals are, however, mostly displeased with their transformations. Save Draven, who is now more into himself then ever before.

I fear I may have brought a terrible disaster in this fashion.

Day 31

The serum is scheduled to be tested this week on the non-human species of the League. Estimated results are inconclusive - there is no knowing how the compound would react with some of their otherwordly bodies. I speculate catastrophic repurcussions on void originated entities such as Kassadin, Malzahar and the abominable Cho' Gath. The undead also present an undeterminable reaction, considering that they are indeed, deceased.

For now, these few individuals will suffice.

Day 42

The results are inconclusive, but I am pleased so far. Subject #1's undead body has taken the chemical perfectly. Emotional stability is unchanged, he...she is completely unfazed by the transformation. Subject #2 and #3 likewise are neither confused nor vexed in their new state. It is worth noting that gender does not mean much to any of them. I am slightly displeased with Subject #3's turn out, however. The chemical is having trouble rewriting his former masculinaty, of which he seems to contain a surplus of. Will produce a stronger concoction for readministration.
