Monday 1 April 2013

Chemical #63 - Second Wave!



Day 29

The chemical's effects are extraordinary. The changes are applied seconds after administration, often with the host male being completely unaware of their new...anatomy. The majority of male individuals are, however, mostly displeased with their transformations. Save Draven, who is now more into himself then ever before.

I fear I may have brought a terrible disaster in this fashion.

Day 31

The serum is scheduled to be tested this week on the non-human species of the League. Estimated results are inconclusive - there is no knowing how the compound would react with some of their otherwordly bodies. I speculate catastrophic repurcussions on void originated entities such as Kassadin, Malzahar and the abominable Cho' Gath. The undead also present an undeterminable reaction, considering that they are indeed, deceased.

For now, these few individuals will suffice.

Day 42

The results are inconclusive, but I am pleased so far. Subject #1's undead body has taken the chemical perfectly. Emotional stability is unchanged, he...she is completely unfazed by the transformation. Subject #2 and #3 likewise are neither confused nor vexed in their new state. It is worth noting that gender does not mean much to any of them. I am slightly displeased with Subject #3's turn out, however. The chemical is having trouble rewriting his former masculinaty, of which he seems to contain a surplus of. Will produce a stronger concoction for readministration.



Sunday 24 March 2013

Janna, The Storm's Fury

Cast whirlwind. Walk away and watch enemy team trace whirlwind into an ambush!
Initiate a gank. Flash and use your ultimate to push everyone around!
And much much more!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Udyr (Rule #63)

Can Udyr look any less badass as a girl? NO.

Garen (Rule #63)

Ever heard of Rule #63? Well look it up! Why?
Because Singed has made POTION #63 and he's tossing it at all the male champs he can find!
This is a fun project I decided to do. Makes for pretty fun designing to 63 all the guys into the League of Babes :P

Beach Babe Ahri

Just a sketch of Ahri in a swimsuit~

Veigar's Angels

Someone on DeviantArt challenged me to "man-lify" Lulu, Poppy and Tristana.
I think I took it too seriously.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Sejuani, The Winter's Wrath

How badass can you be to fight in the cold with nothing but a bikini??
Heck, Ashe's frost arrows should be doing less damage to her for that reason! Poor girl doesn't see much play though. I haven't matched up against a Sej in.....123689123789788 million years.

Monday 25 February 2013

Elise, The Spider Queen

Elise, Elise, Elise. Sexy spider queen of AP goodness.
I maintain that she is actually Nidalee in disguise.
And hiding her spear in a ball of web so she can stun. 

Friday 22 February 2013

Bunny Riven!!!

Bunny bunny hop hop. God bless whoever thought of this.

Riven, The Exile

Words can't express how hot Riven is. So I'll just make it simple and say-
That, and she's badass. How many people walk to a battlefield in bandages and a broken sword, huh?

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Ashe, The Frost Archer

Good ol' Ashe.
My friend refers to her as a pimped Drow Ranger (from DOTA). She really is a Drow Ranger, jsut with gold on her (-_____-)

Thursday 14 February 2013

Friday 8 February 2013

Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox


Friday 1 February 2013

Fiora, The Grand Duelist

That juggernaut omnislash (DOTA references!) is sheer nonsensical with on-hit effects. If it could target creeps I'd buy Tiamat and use it troll farm. You may have noticed that I didn't follow the original. Well there's no fun in just copying for fan art, and I felt that Fiora needed more distractions for her defenses. I kept getting ganked by Swain and Garen - it was irritating.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Caitlyn, Sheriff of Piltover

Cait's a boss when she goes into a gank last and ends up with a quadra! That aside, her accent is enough reason to play her. I messed with the design quite a bit again. Belts. Belts. Belts.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Katarina, The Sinister Blade

Whooooo man. Kat is one hot babe.
And she's evil, merciless, and deadly as hell. Garen's one lucky guy if you ask me.
Kat became my LoB choice after a fun match with a 27/1/14 score. Now, that was one of my early matches, and I was convinced that Kat is OP. So I ran her again! Few minutes into the match and I was controlling mid and farming out 2 revolvers, ready to gank. Now if only I had realised the other 4 on their team had heavy CC...

Thursday 3 January 2013

Sona, Maven of the Strings

The first hero I ever used, and my first addition to the League of Babes! Still love her up till now :P The first time I played LoL I picked Sona (reasoning: cutest face) and ... fell head over heels for that voice "Nearly jizzed" would be more correct but that would be uncouth. It's a simple sketch with colors splashed on it. Not that great with colors yet, but I aimed to get a sort of flowing soft feel for the Maven.